District Profile
Major Farming System
Upland rice – fallow – fallow
Transplanted rice – paira (linseed / lathyrus) - fallow
Transplanted rice – mustard / chickpea / vegetables
Agro-climatic Zone
Zone VI – South eastern plateau
Agro Ecological Situation
(i) Kolhan-Porahat upper plateau rainfed and dense forest
(ii) Kolhan lower plateau rainfed moderately high and forest based
(iii) Kolhan comparatively plain and rainfed
Geographical Location of KVK
Latitude – 220.13.0404’ North
Longitude – 850.38.375’ East
Geographical location of District
210 58′ AND 230 36′ north latitude and 850 0′ & 860 54′ East Longitude
Geographical area | 519825 ha |
Forest | 109624 ha |
Gross cropped area | 258844 ha |
Cultivable area | 220125 ha |
Area under more than crop | 11068 ha |
Net cropped area | 185486 ha |
Cropping intensity | 114% |
Current fallow area | 60928 ha |
Soil Texture | Sandy-loam |
Net irrigated area | 15000 ha |
Annual Rainfall (average) | 1254 mm |
Total population (Census 2011) | 1502338 |
Male | 749385 |
Female | 752953 |
No. of Agricultural Families | 131473 |
No. of Small Farmers | 18508 |
No. of Marginal Farmers | 76655 |
Tribal Population | 67.3% |
Major Area of Intervention
- Management of acid soils
- Promotion of rabi oiseed and pulses in rice fallows
- Management of waste land
- Use of organic and inorganic fertilizers in rice
- Introduction of IPM and INM technologies in different agronomical and horticultural crops
- Front Line Demostration of bio agents and bio pesticides to farmers
- Incorporation and promotion of eco-friendly chemical pesticides in IPM strategies
- Mass production of bio fertilizer (Vermicompost and Azola)
- Reduction in use of highly toxic pesticides spray in vegetable crops
- Entrepreneurship development among rural youth through establishment of small scale production unit of vermicompost and mushroom
- Introduction of protective cultivation technology for better productivity & quality production
- Horticultural nursery development for the rural youths
- Supply of quality seeds at farmers door steps
- Promotion of green fodder cultivation
- Enhancing nutritional status among womenfolk
- Empowerment of women for quality life
Demo Unit
Meteorological Unit :
Set up for day to day weather information for proper crop care.
Seed production Farm :
Good quality seeds of paddy, ragi, wheat, mustard, greengram, vegetables and flowers produced and supplied to the farmers field.
Mother Plant Nursery :
Set up for selling good quality planting materials of mango, guava, lemon, papaya, vegetable and flower are produced for the farmers at a very nominal cost.
Bee Keeping Unit :
Established for honey production and better crop production through improved pollination.
Mushroom spawn production Unit :
Promotion of mushroom cultivation at farm level by women folk to supplement low cost protein in daily diet.
Vermicomposting Unit :
Promotion of small unit at farmers’ level with worm spices (Eisenia foetida,) for organic farming and improving soil health.
Dairy unit:
Promotion of artificial insemination (AI) to remote island and practical demonstration for trainees. Promotion of green fodder cultivation
Azola Unit:
Promotion of animal feed for milch animal and bio-fertilizer for rice crop.
High density mango (Amrapali) orchard:
High density mango (Amrapali) orchard: